
Il-Qaddiefa/Atleti huma mitluba li jistudjaw sew LN 17(2015) kif ippublikata fil-gazzetta tal-gvern. Il-lista aggornata tal-WADA tista titnizzel min fuq is-sit tal-FISA

Aktar informazzjoni fuq

NADOMALTA | Falaise Road, Pembroke. PBK 1800; T: +356 21376326 | F: +356 21376326 | E: | W:

Important Information for Athletes taking any mediation which requires a TUE:

  1. Check whether the medication is prohibited (Use Prohibited List – attached or;  Select UK not USA)
  2. If not prohibited, you can administer it
  3. If prohibited, ask the doctor to check whether there are alternatives
  4. If no alternatives exist, ask the doctor to fill in the TUE Form available from
  5. Send it to the Anti-Doping Commission, fully filled and with medical document supporting it. Their address is: NADOMALTA, Falaise Road, Pembroke. 
  6. Further information on TUE-info.pdf.



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